Saturday, July 6, 2013

How to tie a bow tie

I'm not one for wearing bow ties. I don't own any. I would like to try it out one day, once. So here is a guide to tieing a bow tie.
I should go for a topless cruise. Good luck.

How to Roll sleeves up

Now I know this is simple stuff and everyone should know how to do this however I have found a guide to it. So here ya go and try it out. I'm gonna try it out.
seems legit. Or you can always just rip them off with bear hands. Be a man.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How to flush the toilet properly

It's real simple stuff however millions of Americans seem to fuck this up. On a regular basis, so next time any one of ya'll are on your phone and forget how toilets work, be sure to visit this site to view this guide below. shit heads.

Quit fucking this shit up. I think I have glaucoma... I don't even know what it is.