Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How to tie a noose

This won't be a step by step just one pic. It basically makes it look easy and therefore it is easy now. I don't know what the asian print says. Probably something about that suicide forest.

or just try this out instead of hanging yourself.

Friday, January 25, 2013

How to tie a tie (Eldredge knot included)

I'm pretty sure this pic is already all over the internet so I'll repost it like a.... reposter...yeah.
 The above are just common easy knots to tie, I've tried out the eldredge knot.. and well I found a diagram of it just now, so here you go.  Before this diagram I just tried to copy that guy off youtube. This should help greatly.
cheers on ya
Well I think I will work on this now. cheers to all ya'll classy motherfuckers.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Some sort of slacking post

I have really been slacking, so I present to you this repost of a repost somewhere off the interwebs.  I should probably save more of these or start making my own.  meh.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Weather Forecasting

I'm not one to actually listen to what an actual weather man has to say about the weather. Whether hes good or not he is always usually wrong. My fave way of checking the weather is just actually going outside and like being one with nature... piss with the wind, not into it. Anyways below is a guide on how to tell weather, have a look or don't.
hmm... might have to right click and save to actually read this.
It is mostly common sense imo, but common sense ain't so common nowadays is it. cheers.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Studying tips

I just spat on myself. I was going to start by saying I'm not good at studying so I should not be giving out tips.  However I do possess a guide on how to study. Of course I didn't read it all. Look at it. "tl;dr" My thoughts exactly, but if you feel like procrastinating right now have a gander. Might find something useful. My attention span is far to short... or I'm just interested in other awesome things that require my time.

you should be able to click to enlarge, or just right click save
the autism kicked in.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

My new years resolution is to make $1 million dollars. I suppose it will be kinda hard and will take a lot of work. So for today's tip here is some sort of gas hack. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems legit. Even though I think it would be considered theft. I'll try it soon enough.
and if you want to look at some chicks or whatever check my other blog. cheers.