Saturday, December 29, 2012

Assassins creed

If you're ever in the assassin market you'll probably need weapons just to make things quick and easy. Unless of course your all messed up and like torturing people, which is horrible. So below is a quick guide on making some sort of wrist knife shooter....yeah.
you should be able to zoom on this
And in other news honey lemon tea cures everything, except emotional feels. cheers.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Morse Code

I am not to sure how to exactly use morse code. Didn't quite get the oppurtunity to learn while in school so below is a pic of how morse code works. Or something...
so uh yeah... I'm gonna take up morse coding, fuck texting.

Handshake 101

Another quick post which will most likely be explained with a pic.

If you shake peoples hand like this, you are an asshole. So check out the guide below
improve your hand shaking money making abilities right away
its that easy, cheers.

Packing post

So busy with not doing anything productive so here are some helpful tip pics, these one have to do with packing up. Have a look.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hacking pop machines?

So these pics have been circulating the internet for a while now. I still haven't tried them out so I cannot confirm. If you have tried these out and it works let me know in comments. I'll try it out eventually, and now I'll be able to check the guide from my phone.

seems legit
didn't even know I had this one.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Laughter, it's always a pro, unless you are the one being laughed at. In which case whatever its still probably funny. I don't mind being laughed at anymore. Anyways everyone should laugh more so here's a funny gif. I shouldn't laugh at it, but damn I laughed far too much at this.
So the protip is don't laugh at people, unless there is nothing else to do. I'm going to hell for laughing at this.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Good advice duck?

I don't know the actual name of these meme, but here are some more helpful tips and a repetitive picture of a duck.
well that was kinda long.